Yesterday, represented by the Department of Education, communication at the Oman Botanic Garden celebrated World Day for the preservation of the Ozone layer. The ceremony included a video presentation on this occasion. This was followed by a presentation to encourage debate between the audiences. The discussion was about the importance of the contribution of individuals and communities in reducing the expansion of the ozone hole. The ceremony also included a competition based on questions relating to the topic. Then D. Annette drew on the 3 prizes for contestants. the prizes were sunglasses and the reason behind choose these particular prizes to reduce harmful rays. Beside, Eng. Ismail contributed to fourth prize cash from his wallet. The ceremony was concluded by recalling the importance of our role as individuals in convey this message to the surrounding community. We finished the occasion with some snacks and drinks.
It is worth mentioning ceremony was attended by AHMED AL ALAWI “Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs Office of Environmental Conservation”
A reminder of the most important ways that contribute for reduction of the expansion of the ozone hole:
• Reduce the use of aerosol air fresheners and deodorants.
• Buy air conditioners and refrigerators that contain alternatives hydro chloral compounds of carbon.
• Wear sunglasses to reduce the harmful radiation on the eyes.