Learn & Explore
Botanic gardens attract millions of visitors around the world every day, providing a refuge for those seeking a break, a peaceful getaway, and a dose of educational fun. Botanic gardens are also critical partners in environmental conservation and protection. The Education and Communication Department at Oman Botanic Garden is dedicated to building awareness of – and knowledge about – the plants, landscapes and cultural heritage of Oman.

Education & Communication
Since 2008 the team has worked on introducing the concept of Botanic gardens, ex-situ conservation and the need to protect local plants to a variety of audiences and through different channels. The total number of people we have interacted with since then has exceeded 12500 and counting. We are committed to influencing young and old generations to become better environmental citizens of Oman, and the world.

The biggest target group of visitors to the garden; students from schools, colleges and universities. Our prized ambassadors! A big percentage of the Omani population happens to be under 30, and they are who we intend to build and start solid environmental foundations with. Empowering the youth to become agents of change, to enable them to take an active part in protecting the environment and making green, sustainable and environmentally-sound decisions.

Communities & Groups
One of our ways to amplify our messages is to collaborate and join hands with different specialized groups from within the Sultanate. Visitors from special groups request for specific talks and programs that are tailored accordingly. Examples include; horticulture, landscaping, botany, tourism, architecture and sustainability only to name a few. In addition, we host interested tourist groups, companies and institutions of relevance to the garden.