Translocation team in Oman Botanic Garden has transferred Anogeissus Dhofarica which locally called “AL meashta” to the distinct Wooden Box to be its new home in the Oman Botanic Garden. Wooden Box characterized by the beauty of wooden figure which is made from natural materials and can be designed on various sizes that plants need in various stages of growth and ease of transfer from one place to another. Also, it can be used for long periods unlike plastic pot which are affected by heat and climatic factors.
The large size of the Box is very important where you can keep perennials and large trees that are rescued and transported to the garden for long periods. It is worth mentioning, during the month of October 2010, Anogeissus Dhofarica has been transferred and save it from the mountainous regions that affected by Titam – Agaftot project in Dhofar Governorate.Then, in mid-November 2011, it was transferred to Muscat where the team has rescued hundreds of trees from those locations. Anogeissus Dhofarica tree is an endemic tree in Dhofar. It spreads into steep hillsides. Pastoralists rely on it in the dry season for livestock grazing.