OBG ladies in Omani photographers exhibition

Held on the 2nd of October, the 4th Omani Female Photographers Exhibition inaugurated at the Cultural Center, Sultan Qaboos University. This exhibition is organized by Association of Photography annually. Three of OBG team members ,Laila AL Jahwari, Darren Mahdi & Ghudina AL Issai participated with a collection of photos . Laila participated with a photo, under name (shackles) and Dareen had two photos in this exhibition (Things are not as big as they seem) and (It is in the sky that you are promised a living), also Ghudina participated two photos entitled (givennes) and (we agreed to disagre). We congratulate them on this success, personally i attended that show. It was fantastic, and the good news is that the exhibition will continue until the end of this week. Do not miss this unique opportunity.

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